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  2. WILL府中
  3. 体験入居キャンペーンスタート!【府中の英語漬けシェアハウス】
11月よりOPENしました府中の英語漬けシェアハウス『WILL府中』 既に15名程がお引越しされて、いろいろな国籍、年代、職業の方々が国際交流を楽しんでます^^ 「ラウンジでは英語で会話」 「英会話レッスン付」 「毎月国際交流パーティー」 すごく非日常な環境なので「どんな雰囲気なのかイメージしにくいので1日でも体験入居できたらなあ」って声をたくさん頂きました そこで!つくっちゃいましたー! 『無料体験入居キャンペーン』 3部屋だけお布団を設置させて頂いて、2泊3日まで体験入居頂けます WILL府中で英語を本気で身につけたい方はぜひぜひご応募ください! 申し込みは下記まで「WILL府中体験入居希望」とご連絡ください^^ info@irodorifactory.com こんな雰囲気のとってもあったかい仲間たちがお待ちしてまーす^^ 2014-11-15 22.31.02 WILL府中公式サイト:https://irodorifactory.com/fuchu/ WILL府中公式Facebookページ:https://www.facebook.com/willfuchu.Internationalsharehouse
[English version] Our new opening share house Will Fuchu has now 15 people living and they are making great life with everyone in there. For the Japanese people there is an English lesson in the common space and trying to brush up their English skills. For the people from abroad it may be very comfortable to live in here because everyone will try to communicate with you in English and making international party every month. But so far, due to the difficulties to express how exciting the life is in here we were sometimes asked to stay in the house and let you feel it before you decided to move in. Therefore we prepared this campaign to respond in your wish!!
[Trial moving campaign] If you are thinking to move in the house but still worried about anything Don’t miss this opportunity. We have 3 rooms available for its campaign and these rooms are fully furnished even bedding so all you need to bring is maybe clothes and shampoo.^^ You can stay in the house for 3 days and 2 nights and feel this great share house Will Fuchu for free. If you are interested in applying this campaign Please contact to info@irodorifactory.com We are loooking forward to seeing you soon!!