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  2. Contact

In addition to applications for moving into or viewing our share houses, we also accept inquiries about media coverage and requests related to our company, Irodori Factory. We are also happy to assist property owners interested in managing or operating their own share houses.

Please fill in the required information in the form below to contact us.

・Please select the purpose of your inquiry.
※Required(multiple selections allowed)
・If your inquiry is about a specific property, please select the property name from the options below.
※Optional(multiple selections allowed)
・Email Address
・Phone Number
・Please tell us how you learned about our company or our concept share houses.
※Optional(multiple selections allowed)
・If you have a preferred date for viewing, interviews, or other appointments, please specify it below.

First Preferred Date
※Optional(multiple selections allowed)
Second Preferred Date
※Optional(multiple selections allowed)
・Inquiry Details
※Optional(multiple selections allowed)
予期しない問題が発生しました。 後でもう一度やり直すか、他の方法で管理者に連絡してください。